3 Ways to Stop Hating Your Body Right Now
Teddey Hicks Teddey Hicks

3 Ways to Stop Hating Your Body Right Now

The negative thoughts come automatically and unconsciously, so it takes deliberate effort to turn things around. You can control the way you think, the things you do, and what you say to yourself at least part of the time, and the more you practice positive self-care and self-talk, the more natural it will become.

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5 ways to stop hating exercise
Recipe Teddey Hicks Recipe Teddey Hicks

5 ways to stop hating exercise

Ah, exercise. The bitchy cousin of dieting. Does the very word just fill you with dread? We’ve come up with all kinds of clever phrases to trick ourselves into doing it -- joyful movement, anyone? -- but the fact is that this is still the one area of self-care and overall wellness that every single one of my clients has struggled with.

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