Stressing About Food is Not Actually Normal

Let me guess – 

You sit down at a restaurant and immediately worry about whether you’re going to be “good” by getting a salad or “bad” for getting a burger.

You eat the “perfect” breakfast and lunch, but come home and inhale a mountain of cookies before you’ve even started cooking dinner.

You groan at your reflection every morning in the bathroom mirror, and resolve to be even more strict about what and how much you eat to get your body under control.

Does any of that sound familiar?

Are you exhausted yet?

Stressing about food is not actually normal. Well, I mean it’s normal in our messed up diet culture, but it’s not actually the way you’re meant to live.

Imagine how much time you’ve wasted worrying about your body, trying to eat the “right” way, and beating yourself up for not meeting some arbitrary beauty standard. 

Maybe you’ve just hit a wall with your energy and feel desperate to find another way to be. 

Or maybe you’ve reached that magical [middle] age where none of that nonsense feels important anymore but you don’t know how to break those old habits. 

Or maybe you just have that deep knowing inside you that every time you criticize your body or don’t eat when you’re hungry or deny yourself the simple pleasures of life, you are abandoning your true self.

Whatever the reason, if you’re ready to find a different way to interact with food and end all the drama around eating, I’d like to reassure you that it IS possible and you DO deserve it.

It is possible to feel calm and confident around food, while eating in a way that works for your body. It is possible to find a way to exercise that is fun and pleasurable. It is possible to be in balance so your weight is stable and you actually feel good.

This is not about eating whatever you want all the time or not caring about how you look anymore. It’s about ditching the rigid rules and bullshit ideas about what you should be doing or how you should look, and finding a way of living that works for YOU.

When you’re ready, I’m here to help.

Love, Teddey


Why is it so hard to change your life?


Silky, Scrumptious [EASY] Veggie Soup